Online Arguments
Over the last three years, I had taken noticed on how easily it is to start an online argument, more specifically, on Twitters platform. After searching about an online argument for the assignment, I had came across one that had happened all the way back on May 22nd 2014. This online argument had started when the actor, Charlie Sheen, had decided to post his experience with NOT meeting Rhianna at a restaurant (the link for this tweet is posted at the bottom). Charlie Sheen had explained how he had asked for Rhianna to meet his fiancé, when he had found out that she was at the same restaurant as them. According to Charlie Sheen, Rhianna could not meet them "At this time." Charlie then goes on to say, "Nice impression you left behind..." as well as, "oh and Riahnna, Halloween isn't for a while. but good on you for testing out your costume in public." After this was posted, Rhianna had changed her Twitter banner into a picture of her signing an autograph for a old women. However, Rhianna had photoshopped the old women's face into Charlie Sheens face and had twitted, "If that old queen don't get ya diapers out of a bunch..."
Photo Credit: reason for choosing this online argument is since it had technically started in a public setting, rather than all starting from Twitter. I also chose this argument since, according to a couple of friends of mine, remembers when Charlie and Rhianna had this argument. The first concern that I had with this Twitter argument is that Charlie Sheen imminently went to tweet comments that were in no relation to the situation itself. For example, when he had started making comments about her appearance having to do with Halloween. Instead of tweeting about what he had wished he would of had the chance to meet Rhianna, he immediately started making personal attacks. The next concern that I had with this online argument is that Charlie Sheen had started to tweet out assumptions for Rhianna. For example, at the end of his original tweet, he had stated, "If ya don't want to get bothered DONT LEAVE YOU HOUSE!" Charlie does not know how Rhianna feels about her fame or personal life, therefore, making assumptions about someone is not the way to go.
Charlie Sheens Original Tweet:
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